Digital Marketing

How to write your ad so it sells


First of all, you should know that people buy ONLY to make a profit. So it would make sense that you need to list all the benefits someone could receive.

So you have to remember that benefits usually ring hollow, unless you have facts and characteristics that support the benefits those people will get. So, make a list of all the supporting features that make the benefits credible.

Now, you need to weave your story together to bring the benefits and features together in such a way that they want to hear it all.

To help you weave that story, use “connectors” that move your prospect from one thought to the next. Connectives like “That means”, “More”, “And”, “You may be wondering”, etc.

Finally, you must bring your “CTA” (call to action). If you get them excited about your product or service, tell them what to do to get it.

The reason you want to do all of this is that a written sales message that works works all day. Not like a commission salesperson who gets tired after making 20 phone calls. Your written sales message can sell at 2 in the morning and still sell.

Don’t be afraid of a long-winded message. Because? Because prospects, not “people,” are hungry for information. They need it to buy.

Use these ideas in your ads, blogs, web pages, direct mail, etc. You will benefit from this.




There are two ways to be a lazy seller.

One way is to use short copy that says next to nothing and hope they piece the pieces together and see a reason to buy whatever it is you’re selling. This is a fast road to nowhere.

The other way to be a “lazy salesperson” is to tell a complete I SELL HISTORY. Now, it takes some work to craft a sales letter or message that makes a complete I AM SELLING WORK, but once done you can “cut and paste” with just 2 clicks.

Keep in mind that “people” aren’t going to read your long-winded “sales story”… but you’re not marketing to “people,” are you?

Instead, you are marketing to “PROSPECTS”! And “potential customers” are always hungry for information and will read ANY AMOUNT of collateral, as long as it is interesting and useful. For example, you’re still reading this message, so I might assume you’re a “prospect” for my writing services.

If they’re not an actual “prospect”, they’re not going to read anything you say, so fuck them. I have a 26-paragraph sales letter that I sometimes send to new connections. (I’m lazy). So this new connection just pissed me off for pasting this message into a “congratulations” message. “I’m not impressed,” she said. But he did count the paragraphs, which showed that he read it.

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