
How To Fix Microsoft Outlook Cannot Create File Error

The article is intended to help users fix the Unable to create a file error in Microsoft Outlook. The methods compiled here are simple and correct to date. However, it is highly recommended to follow the instructions precisely. This will prevent users from having problems and eventually seeking support for Microsoft products.

Do you often get an error message that you cannot create a file when saving or opening an attachment in Microsoft Outlook? It can happen due to Outlook not being able to access the temporary files folder when opening a file, because the user does not have enough permissions to do so. The guide mentioned below will help you to fix the problem on your own and certainly without any technical help from Microsoft.


Automatic Procedure –

Download the Microsoft Fix It tool, namely MicrosoftFixit50673.msi from its official website. When prompted, click the save the file button to save it. Choose a convenient location (such as your desktop) to save the file. When finished, locate the file, double-click it to open it, and run the installation wizard. Run the tool to start the repair procedure. Please be patient as this will take some time. When you are done, the tool will automatically fix the problem and let you use your Outlook without any hassle.

Manual Procedure –

for perspective 2010: Close any window, including Outlook, that is currently open on the desktop. Click on the Begin menu and navigate to My computer. You can also double-click the My computer icon (located on the desktop). In it My computer window, navigate to the VS: directory by double clicking on it. drive C: icon.

Click on the Line tab at the top, click Newand then select File from the dropdown list. When a new folder icon appears, give it a name like temporary0 (or any name of your choice that is convenient for you). Remember the location of this folder, as it will be needed in the following steps. Get out of the drive C: and My computer windows

Click on the Begin menu and type ‘regedit’ (without quotes and as is) in the start search box. hit the Get into button on the keyboard. When prompted for an administrator password, type it in and continue. In it registry editor window, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft Office > 14.0 > Outlook > Security. In it Security subkey, double-click the OutlookSecureTempFolder key in the right hand. Under the value data In the box, type the location of the folder you created in the previous steps on the C: drive. For example, you would type C:temporary0 and then click the OK button. This will add a registry key to access files like this. Close the registry editor and window or any other window that is currently open and restart your computer. Start Outlook and open any file with no problem.

Additional Tips:

If you are away from your computer and still want to use the Fix it tool, download it and save it to a CD or USB flash drive, etc. When you get home, turn on your computer, insert the CD or drive, and run the tool.

It is highly recommended to back up your registry before modifying it. An incorrectly modified registry can cause a system crash or other serious problems.

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