Arts Entertainments

How to attract white girls if you are an Asian boy

The first is the first. First you should know that the number one opponent in this is yourself: if you have any prejudice with the white girls, you will have a hard time.

1. The first step in attracting white girls is to treat them like any girl. Asian guys I’ve personally trained have had easy conversations with white girls simply because they were comfortable in their own skin, a big part of their appeal.

Don’t be afraid to put your arm around them or, in some cases, give them a special touch.

The second thing is knowing what they like in terms of culture, now I know you don’t want to search the internet for them so let me give you some quick sound bytes to use in conversations. Yes, I am stereotyping hot white girls based on my experience so you don’t end up talking about something boring like your job or some anime movie that she doesn’t know about.

2. Looks and fashions are important to white girls. So if you’re talking about the latest fashions, like Carrera Shades, True Religion Jeans, or the midnight screening of the latest movie, you’re IN.

For college, try naming a few video games like Rock Band, or even Call of Duty in conversations, then move on to some video games you know that she doesn’t know about. Some great TV shows run by the same rules too, but don’t get too caught up in the Gossip Girl or Sex in the City talk. Just tell him you ran into him and wonder what makes him so cool.

If you are an Asian guy and you have NO idea what I just mentioned, please Google them or search for a hottest magazine. Go read the women’s magazines. They will tell you what happens. When you start a conversation with white girls saying you’ve tried the latest iPhone, look at them and they’ll immediately jump into the conversation.

3. Hot White girls are usually active in their social life. That means they are part of a dance team, a sport, or their local sorority chapter. The key is to find a “clique” of your own and be busy (or appear busy) with them. That will create a mirror of resemblance to where she sees you as someone who achieves the same things she wants, this triggers the attraction. Remember, hot white girls don’t just sleep with random strangers. Many of them shortlist the boys based on the similarity of their social habits. This is more of a long-term goal, but definitely make sure this happens.

4. White girls are relatively easy to ask on a date. The usual options are those where they can “show off” their fresh hair, stilettos, and that purse that costs more than their part-time salary at Walmart. So movies (especially movie premieres) are great. Theme parks are another, and the third for me is the most popular sushi place in town. As far as my dating experience goes, white girls have never said no to them, so ask them out!

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