Lifestyle Fashion

How subliminal messages prevent you from biting your nails

If your nails look bad due to your constant nervous habit of biting them, you can turn to subliminal audio messages to help you.

What are subliminal audio messages?

Basically, they are messages that can help you influence yourself by sending positive subliminal affirmations to influence the subconscious mind, the part of your mind that controls your behavior and emotions.

Examples of positive affirmations sent by subliminals can be: “I control my impulses”, “I am aware that I bite my nails”, Y “I love my hands”.

Why do subliminals work?

Subliminal messages work because they can send messages in a way that your conscious mind doesn’t interfere with.

The conscious mind is the one that your external thoughts or data interact with first. So if you want to consciously tell yourself that you will never bite your nails again, it may work, but only for a short period of time, as the conscious will likely just dismiss that thought before it reaches the subconscious.

You will discard that thought because (or rather – You) know deep down that it is not true.


With subliminal audio, you can overcome nail biting as the messages reach the part of your mind that influences your nail biting compulsion: the subconscious.

By listening to the subliminal audio repeat positive affirmations similar to those listed above over and over again, you will be able to rewire your thoughts so that you no longer feel the need to bite your nails, you will begin to value your nails and your skin. much more, you will be able to relax under stress and basically be able to kick the habit altogether.

How does it feel?

The interesting thing about subliminal audio is that you don’t actually hear any spoken words. All you hear are sounds, as pleasant as they may be, that are recorded to relax you and let you know that the positive subliminal affirmations are being received by the subconscious mind.

The main reason subliminals work is because you can’t consciously listen to them.

They work when you listen to them daily because your subconscious will have almost no choice but to accept the messages it receives, especially since it will align with your conscious desire to stop biting your nails, and you will have resolved. an internal conflict that has probably been worrying you for a long time.

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