
How peer learning groups help managers manage

There are three main reasons why managers do not manage: they are uncomfortable with their role and responsibilities; they lack confidence in their decisions; Or they just don’t know what to do. It is also problematic when they are cut off from the knowledge, experience, and support of other managers.

According to Laurence Karsh, president of SHL Americas, an organization’s human capital is its most important asset. The positive impact of a single motivated manager can have a positive impact on companies of any size.

Conversely, the burden of underperforming people—the hours spent fixing bugs, the money wasted on unproductive performance, and the costs of having to recruit and train replacement staff—have a powerful effect. negative in the final result.

If you’re interested in or responsible for ensuring that your managers have the training, resources, and support to meet the needs of employees, the challenge is finding accessible and effective managerial training that builds their comfort, confidence, and capabilities.

In a 2017 Center for Learning and Performance Technologies survey, more than 5,000 managers were asked to rate the usefulness of 12 job-related learning methods. The least valued ways to learn? Face-to-face training (essentially reading and dying by PowerPoint) and e-learning. The two most valued forms of learning? Self-organized and self-managed forms of learning.

This is supported by research that resulted in the 70:20:10 Model, which found that approximately:

  • 70% of learning comes from experience, experimentation and reflection;
  • 20% of learning comes from working with others; and
  • 10% of learning comes from planned learning solutions and reading.

The classic leadership development program, conducted in physical isolation from the organization and outside of its operational context, must be replaced by experiences that are based on real work, risk and responsibility, intentional networking, exposure, collaboration, fair learning, time. and problem solving at work. The most effective learning comes from experience, experimentation, and reflection.

That is why The Peer Learning Group Model© is so attractive. Managers share their experience and develop their knowledge and skills as they connect with their peers. They bring the formal learning they have received from other learning methods (10%) and complement it by sharing their experience, learning new methods and, most importantly, testing them in their workplace in real time (70%). .

Group members share a similar management challenge and want to learn other, more effective ways to handle it. They do this in small peer learning groups of 6 that are self-directed and self-managed. This means that one of them facilitates the group, which meets at the place and at their time.

The peer learning group process helps managers become more comfortable with their role and responsibilities, gain confidence in their decisions, and learn to manage common management challenges. It also provides them with the knowledge, experience, and support of other managers.

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