Lifestyle Fashion

Heal Yeast Infections From The Inside Out: Natural Remedies For Yeast Infections That Work

If you have a yeast infection, you’re probably desperate to cure it right away. Although it may be tempting to go out and get your nearest dose of Diflucan or Monistat, you may want to reconsider these traditional medical treatments. You see, these traditional medications only cure the symptoms and not the underlying cause. In this article, we will discuss yeast infections and provide some natural treatment methods that cure yeast infections from the inside out.

First of all, you need to understand what exactly a yeast infection involves. There are many types of vaginal yeast infection, penile yeast infection, jock itch, athlete’s foot, etc., to name just a few. However, all of these manifestations are caused by an overgrowth of the yeast fungus candida albican. Although this fungus normally exists within the body, it does not normally cause problems if it is kept in balance with the good bacteria. However, when we eat too many sugary or processed foods, drink alcohol, take antibiotics, or have problems with birth control, it causes an imbalance in our body and the candida fungus grows and grows.

Second, now that you understand what causes the overgrowth, you need to rebalance your body and encourage it to eliminate the candida. This can be done by eating healthy, nutritious foods, drinking 16 ounces of water daily, and avoiding alcohol, highly processed and sugary foods, yeast-containing products, etc.

Third, you must cure candida with good bacteria found in acidophilus or active yogurt cultures. This type of bacteria is known to fight candida. You can eat acidophilus or you can insert yogurt into the vagina to treat vaginal yeast infections.

Fourth, you can use antifungal foods like garlic, apple cider vinegar, and vitamin C, etc. All of these items have antibacterial properties that are believed to eradicate fungus from the inside out.

Fifth, you can use a natural yeast cure that includes grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil supplements (orally), tea tree oil (applied to the infected area), goldenseal (used as shower or orally), genetic violet (applied to infection), etc.

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