
Forbidden Knowledge and Esoteric Secrets: Part III

Usually these esoteric schools maintain what is known as the Lesser Mysteries and the Greater Mysteries. Many mystery schools that teach what they believe to be these Greater Mysteries are actually not. The principle here is that all that is taught that is essentially intellectual knowledge is not deeply esoteric teaching. Yes, many things that you can learn intellectually must be applied and practiced, and then the doors of the deeper reality will open. Various meditations and spiritual exercises will open these doors. When you begin to see and experience the deeper realities of life, you are beginning to experience the true levels of esoteric or mystical experiential spirituality. These are not mystical experiences that can be easily translated into our limited language, which is a two-dimensional construct at best. When you are experiencing a multidimensional reality, it is difficult to explain it in two-dimensional words.

This is another reason why these deeper teachings and realms of experience have become secret, as the so-called “unenlightened” would not understand mystical experiences if they had not delved into this area themselves, and are usually too closed to accept them. . So such people (unless they are open minded truth seekers) would rather ridicule or persecute these secret mystery schools.

Many of those mystery schools that have been accused of being evil at their core are only being persecuted by fundamentalist groups. Groups like the Masonic Order, Rosicrucian schools, Theosophical Society, Order of the Golden Dawn, Wicca, etc., have been accused of having evil motives or some kind of satanic agenda. But I have studied the teachings of many of these schools, so I am confident that they are not evil or evil in nature. They may have certain flaws like any religious group, church, or tradition, but none of them are truly perfect. I have seen some arrogant or vainglorious teachers go astray, but they were not bad people. I have seen these groups get caught up in their policies and rules, or even control their members too much, but this was not outright evil. But these secret societies I have investigated do not worship Satan or practice sinister rituals with determination, nor are they part of some elaborate scheme to initiate the New World Order as some conspiracy theorists think. These are radical conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality, yet gullible people seem to swallow them as gospel truth.

On the other hand, there have been secret non-religious groups that various researchers say have corrupt agendas or allegedly aim at a New World Order, such as the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, and Skull & Bones, to name a few; however, hard evidence has not been proven for such accusations. But if it ever happens, or is revealed to the public through the media or law enforcement, then their diabolical secrets will be revealed and their agendas thwarted.

Although many people adhere to the idea of ​​”one true faith” and claim that all other religions are false or of the devil, this is a poor sales pitch at best. All of the world’s religions, their many denominations, spiritual traditions, and belief systems are essentially the ways in which we experience our spiritual journeys to find the truth. However, we often get caught up in their dogmatic traps along the way. Simply believing a doctrine is not enough; one should meditate daily to find the real truth, not blindly accept whatever someone says is the truth. We have to ask internal questions to find the truth. Sometimes we have to go beyond the framework of religion, which humanity has created, not God. Which means we have to enter the realm of spirituality, which is beyond humanity’s control. When we try to isolate the truth, we end up twisting it and it becomes dogma. When we meditate on the truth and let ourselves be carried away by it, we experience something mystical beyond the intellectual comprehension of humanity. This is where we get into experiential spirituality.

I believe that if we as spiritual beings were to achieve perfection, or what I prefer to call spiritual harmony, we would not need so many separate groups. Perhaps we would all be united in spirit. But the reality is that we, as imperfect humans, thrive on the diversity of the vast smorgasbord of various religions, traditions, and belief systems. And for now, this is how each search engine’s search plays out.

Perhaps one day we will be ready for what lies beyond.

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