Health Fitness

For the goodness of a tater: 9 busted potato myths!

If I had a penny for every time someone told me to “be careful with the potato,” I would already be a rich woman. The legendary tuber has long been the victim of misunderstandings. From the late 1500s to today, the potato has been condemned for a variety of reasons. In 1580, well-known explorer Sir Walter Raleigh brought some potato plants from America to Ireland and gifted some to Queen Elizabeth I. Unfortunately, the queen’s palace cooks weren’t well versed in the fun-looking tuber and in Instead of cooking the potatoes, they boiled the stems and leaves before presenting it to the court at mealtime. For those of you unaware of the potato plant’s more sinister characteristics, it contains toxic compounds called glycoalkaloids, most of which are concentrated in the plant’s leaves and stems. As such, everyone who consumed the boiled preparation became mortally ill, and consequently potatoes were banned from the Queen’s court.

After this, malicious rumors seemed to follow the unfortunate tuber to wherever in the world it was introduced. In France, for example, the potato was attributed an almost demonic status and accused of causing vile diseases ranging from leprosy to syphilis, as well as being responsible for sterility and unimpeded sexuality alike. The potato gradually became so infamous that in a certain French city, an announcement was made to the effect that the potato, being detrimental to human, animal and soil health, was immediately stopped in cultivation.

Modern times have found other reasons to vilify the benevolent plant. Despite the fact that the potato is one of the foods that most delight people today, a society driven by diet and crazy about health points out that the potato, being extremely rich in starch, can hardly boast of any other kind of nutritional value. Today, people are so caught up in the anti-carbohydrate, zero calorie and diabetes free life campaign that they don’t see the potato for what it really is – a highly nutritious vegetable – that when prepared and eaten correctly. way and in the right amounts, it tends to help more often than to hurt.

According to a United Nations report, world potato production peaked at 315 million tonnes in 2006, and today almost a third of world production can be attributed to China and India, two of the most populous countries. of the world. According to sources, on average, a citizen of the world consumes around 33 kg (73 pounds) of potatoes per year. In fact, the average American consumes nearly 140 pounds per year, while Germans eat about 200 pounds per year. Although there are some basic types of standard potatoes, 4,000 different varieties are grown around the world. The potato was also the first vegetable to be grown in space in 1995, with the goal of feeding astronauts and future space colonies! Given the efforts required to grow so many types of potatoes and the volumes of production and consumption around the world, it is difficult to think of tater as a malignant and poisonous vegetable ready to kill with syphilis or obesity. And it turns out that the potato is the opposite! Here is a list of some common potato myths that people worry about even today.

Myth 1: the potato is not a vegetable
The potato, although it is a tuberous root, is classified as a vegetable in the Food Guide Pyramid. However, it is also sometimes referred to as an edible root or tuber. Potatoes are an important part of the total recommended daily servings of vegetables. One medium potato counts as one cup of starchy vegetables.

Myth 2: potatoes are fattening
From a nutritional point of view, a potato contains approximately 80% water and 20% solids, and has a nutritional value similar to that of any normal vegetable. A raw or baked potato with the skin typically contains 100 calories, 22 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of protein, and NO fat! I bet this is wonderful news for everyone in the world affected by diet who have been told that eating potatoes is suicide for a weight loss program. This is totally untrue if eaten in all its goodness: baked, mashed, boiled, roasted, steamed, or stewed. Although a potato looks large, fleshy, and downright dangerous to the Atkins devotee, by itself it won’t contribute much to weight gain, due to the high water content it contains. However, a potato with the added topping of butter or sour cream, served as fries / fries or baked with cheese will not only hamper weight loss, but will also contribute to weight gain, as well as cholesterol issues and sugar in the blood. While a simple baked potato would be no more than 100 calories and fat-free, a small package of potato chips would easily account for about 210 calories in addition to the extra fat.

Myth 3: French fries are vegetables.
Although this common potato myth holds that french fries and potato chips count as vegetables in the food guide pyramid, this is totally misleading. The obvious fact of the matter is that while potatoes in their raw form fall into the vegetable group, French fries that contain almost 61% fat are not.

Myth 4: potatoes contain simple carbohydrates
Potatoes contain complex carbohydrates, which are absolutely essential for the energy needs of the body and brain. Most of these carbohydrates are present in the form of starch. A portion of this starch that is resistant to digestion by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine, reaches the large intestine almost intact and provides the body with much-needed fiber.

Myth 5: carbohydrates are the only nutrients available in a potato.
A medium-sized or baked raw white potato with skin is also a powerhouse of other nutrients. It generally contains almost 35% vitamin C, 20% vitamin B6, 15% iodine, and 10% copper, iron, and niacin, 8% folate, phosphorus, and magnesium, 4% thiamine and zinc, and traces of vitamin. A. During the Alaska Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1800s, miners valued potatoes so highly for their vitamin C content that they were traded for gold. Too much to break myth number 5!

Myth 6: all the nutrients in a potato are in its skin.
Although most of its protein content is concentrated within its thin skin layer, all other nutrients are evenly distributed throughout the skin and body of the potato. So go ahead and enjoy the delicious goodness of all the porridge!

Myth 7: potatoes don’t have antioxidants
Although there are no approved antioxidant claims in potatoes, certain research studies in recent years claim that potatoes have a high probability of containing antioxidants such as, but not limited to, anthocyanins and carotenoids (in addition to the established richness in vitamin C). ).

Myth 8: Potatoes taste good only when cooked according to high-fat recipes.
Try an Indian potato curry with boiled potatoes and spices. If you don’t like Asian cuisine, try topping a baked potato with low-fat sour cream or sauce or even low-fat cheese. Bake cheesy potatoes in tomato sauce with a hint of garlic and herbs served with steamed veggies or asparagus on the side. Roast them alternately with tarragon leaves and other herbs. The avenues are massive: creativity is waiting to be explored. All with the same end result – a delicious low-fat, high-carb, nutrient-packed meal waiting to be devoured!

Myth 9: White potatoes are bad for you, eat sweet potatoes instead!
Wrong. A sweet potato, fried and served with cheese, would be just as bad as regular fries. The goodness of a vegetable, any vegetable, depends on the method of preparation and the amount of consumption. Although they both contain the same amount of calories on average, sweet potatoes are known to contain less starch, more vitamin C, and almost three times the amount of beta-carotene in a white potato. However, if sugar is a consideration, the white variety would win due to the higher sugar content in a sweet potato. So ideally it would be safe to say that raw white potatoes and sweet potatoes are nutritionally supplemented and neither is “bad” for the body.

As long as the potatoes you eat are cooked without fat, and you substitute cheese, bacon bits, sour cream, and cream sauce with green vegetables, corn, and carrots, you can be assured of a good, enjoyable, and healthy meal. . So go ahead and enjoy your fries the way they should be enjoyed, guilt-free and risk-free!

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