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Find out why women want "bad boys" and what you can do to increase your "bad boy" sexual attraction

Many women find “bad boys” attractive. Just watch the movies. Women tend to like the macho, they don’t take the guy type prisoner. What makes women yearn to be with such an adventurous man? From a woman’s perspective, I think the masculinity of a man, his ability to take charge of any situation and protect me is totally sexy.

You might think that by being a sweet and sincere guy, women will be more attracted to you. Actually, the opposite is true. Even if you get a woman because of your easy-going nature, if she is in the presence of a more macho man, who takes care of her, she will most likely fantasize about him.

Women were raised to want men to be in charge and help them, like the damsel in distress. She only thinks about when you were watching cartoons early in the morning. They always showed how two men fought over a woman and the smartest and most determined man got the girl. Some shows that come to mind are the Incredible Hulk, Superman, and Poppey.

Do you want to be more attractive to women? Then learn to be a “bad boy.” Here is how to do it.

  1. Learn to suppress your emotions. A woman does not want a tearful and sensitive man.
  2. Be romantic without being over the top. You can take a woman to a nice restaurant or send her flowers, but a man who does it every day will probably be seen as a push and a smear to be used.
  3. Be more adventurous. Don’t think your wife just wants to sit on the couch with you while you watch TV. She takes her on excursions where you can show her your masculinity.
  4. Get fit. A woman is attracted to someone who is not only strong on the inside but also on the outside. This lets a woman know that she can feel safe around you and that you are more than capable of protecting her.
  5. Increase your level of confidence in yourself. Be confident in your abilities to take care of your woman as a man should.
  6. Increase the passion in your love life. Be the man that makes her scream for more. Doing this will ensure that he doesn’t fantasize about anyone but you.
  7. Take control of your life. Don’t let anyone disrespect you or your wife. Stand up for the things that matter to you.
  8. Be spontaneous. Dong the same every day gets boring. Try new things in spare time. Even if you have to plan, act as if the idea occurred to you, but make the moment memorable.

If a woman wanted to be with another woman, she would not be looking for a relationship in a man. A woman wants someone who is manly and macho. She wants to be taken care of for her. Take this list to heart if you feel that you are a man with a soft nature and become the man women want to be with.

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