Health Fitness

Does Weight Watchers work?

I remember my first introduction to Weight Watchers. A woman in my office had just paid her due and she joined. She was a bit chubby and wanted to lose the extra weight before swimsuit season. She couldn’t wait to tell everyone in the room (whether they wanted to listen or not) the whole experience. There was a fee to join, a weekly fee, and a penalty for gaining weight the following week. There was a leader who was in charge of the meeting but she was about a hundred pounds overweight. So much for having a leader who responded to the product. Scales would be available each week; medical scales that would not be altered. Still, she thought that she could follow the program and lose weight.

Things don’t work like that now. Today, you can join Weight Watchers online. It’s free to join (so says the website) but there is a weekly fee. You can’t figure out what that is on the home page. On the front page is a large image of that girl, Jennifer Hudson, whose time on American Idol launched her singing career. She really has lost weight and says she owes it all to Weight Watchers.

So, I clicked on the “how Weight Watchers works” button and was immediately transferred to that page.

Weight Watchers is based on four approaches:

– Eat smarter
– Move more
– Useful clothes
– Get support

Well, I really like the last one; everyone needs support when trying to lose weight. There is a small section where you can enter your height and weight to find out what your ideal weight is. There is also a BMI calculator where you can find out what your body mass index is. This will tell you if you are overweight and need to lose weight.

– If your BMI is less than 20, you are underweight
– If your BMI is 20-25 you are healthy
– If your BMI is 25-30 you are overweight
– If your BMI is greater than 30 you are obese

This seems like a good thing to know. From this page you can continue to find out what a healthy weight is for you. Weight Watchers has a simple approach to losing weight. You need to learn to control your appetite and overcome temptation. You eat foods that fill you up, so you will eat less. You learn to make smart decisions. You trust the plan; choose with your points system. Then you tailor the plan to fit your lifestyle. This is not really a diet; It is a new approach to eating. This is what I’ve needed all my life!

Well, I guess I’m in. The question now is “how can I lose weight online”? There is a motivation board to read. It sure beats listening to someone who weighs more than me telling me what not to eat. I know I have to exercise, so I’ve decided to start walking every morning before I start my day. With weight watchers I can eat out. This plan has it all. There are even kids meals and family meals. There are even meals for a budget. So yes, maybe weight watchers WORK.

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