Health Fitness

Does Botox Jawline Require Downtime?

Botox Jawline Require Downtime

When most people think of Botox, they envision it as an anti-aging treatment that can erase fine lines and wrinkles. However, this versatile injectable can also be used to slim the Botox Jawline for a more V-shaped facial contour. This non-surgical procedure is called masseter Botox and it reduces the activity of the large muscles in the jaw that can give it a squared shape.

The procedure is similar to how other Botox treatments work, with the medical practitioner disinfecting the injection site before administering the injections. A topical anesthetic may be applied to prevent discomfort, and then the Botulinum toxin is injected into the masseter muscles on both sides of the face. This can take as little as 15 minutes. There is no downtime or long recovery period necessary after masseter Botox injections, and the results can last 3-6 months.

Masseter Botox can feminize the jawline for women who have developed a masculinized facial structure due to stress, excessive exercise, and teeth grinding (bruxism). It can also help alleviate symptoms associated with teeth grinding, such as pain in the neck/face and headaches. While a jawline slimming effect isn’t the only reason to get the injections, it’s a popular one.

Does Botox Jawline Require Downtime?

For the most natural and effective jawline slimming, patients should consider a combination of non-surgical procedures, including dermal fillers, Kybella, CoolSculpting, and jawline Botox injections. Botox is an injectable neuromodulator that works by blocking the release of acetylcholine, which causes muscle contractions in the area. It can relax the masseter muscles, helping them weaken and shrink in size, which allows the jawline to become slimmer and more defined over time.

Before undergoing masseter Botox, you should make sure to choose a practitioner with significant experience and a deep understanding of the anatomy of the face. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green has perfected the technique of reducing enlargement in the masseter muscles by using minimal injection points. Instead of injecting 3 to 6 points on each side, she injects only 5 total – 1 point in the front, 2 behind, and 1 in the middle. This approach is more precise and requires less muscle to be weakened, which makes the treatment more safe and effective.

The best part is, unlike surgical fat removal procedures, masseter Botox does not require any downtime. Patients can resume their regular activities immediately after the procedure, although it’s important to avoid chewy and hard foods as this can trigger the muscles to overreact. The results of this non-invasive procedure will show within a few days, and can be maintained with regular appointments for 3-6 months. For more information about jawline contouring and other non-invasive beauty treatments, contact our dermatology practice today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Green. We look forward to joining you on your esthetic journey!

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