Legal Law

Common myths about home wind power

It’s 2009, time to leave the 80’s behind!

When I was new to home wind power, I believed a lot of myths about it. However, when I started to investigate, I felt the veil in front of my eyes slowly lift.

Wind power has really gone mainstream in recent years, which is why so many people, like you and me, get so excited the more we learn. This article will explore some of the myths about home wind power and reveal the truth about them.

The first common home wind myth you’ll hear is that you can mount a wind turbine on your rooftop. The reasoning behind this is that you will still be able to get a solid foundation for your homemade wind power generator and save money by not getting a tower. This has proven not to be a good idea. There have been many schools and other buildings that have actually had to undergo extensive structural repair due to damage from constant vibration. When you invest in home wind power, make sure you also invest in a tower. They often cost less than $100 and will save you a lot of money on repairs.

The second myth about home wind power is that your neighbors will hate you for getting one. This originated in the 1970s and 1980s when it was relatively new technology and the designs had not yet been refined to what they are now. Wind turbines were very noisy and often disturbed people. Today, 30 or 40 years later, homebrew wind power designs have been perfected to the point where a wind generator can be built that emits only a low hum. And if you build it in the right area, the low hum is often blown away anyway.

The third myth about home wind power to be aware of is that wind turbines kill birds. Okay, maybe I’m being a little cynical, but is a homemade wind power system with a ten foot blade really going to kill the herds of animals that all the power plants that spew out mercury, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants? kill every year? It seems that most people would prefer to generate their own free, clean energy that doesn’t release all sorts of harmful chemicals into nature.

It really has been amazing to see how home wind power has developed in recent years. Many thousands of people around the world have already built their own wind turbines and are saving $1,000 each year with clean, usable electricity.

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