Digital Marketing

Chiropractic Marketing: Is This The Most Reliable Way To Get New Patients?

Is this the most reliable way to get new patients? I’m talking about meeting and greeting the community. How does this chiropractic marketing method work? Here is the strategy. First of all, you need a practice bulletin. All professionals must find a way to maintain communication with their patient base. Sending out a regular newsletter is my favorite strategy. No, don’t bother sending the full color mailable ones. It’s obvious to everyone that you didn’t write it. I am referring to a relationship building newsletter. You will make about 30 copies of your most recent newsletter.

You then select a geographic area within 3 miles of your practice from which to search for patients. Select a day of the week when most residents will be home. In most of the country this is Sunday. You’ll be carrying your newsletters along with a stack of gift certificates offering a date/exam/some sort of enticing introductory offer, making it easy to drop in and visit. You will go door to door to introduce yourself to people in this specific community. This is your only goal. Your goal is to distribute one newsletter per household. He will ask them a simple question: “My name is Dr. Blank and I own XYZ Chiropractic Clinic around the corner. I am trying to increase my exposure in this neighborhood.

I wonder what you think would be a good way for me to get my name out there.” You ask this question to engage the recipient. By answering your question, you are engaging them and often selling themselves to become your patients. If there’s one thing we know, it’s that engagement brings them closer to doing business with you. That’s it! Every person reading this can do so without fear. Yes, you really do have to knock on the door. Yes, You have to talk to someone. Whoever opens the door is the one you talk to. Not everyone will be home. A doctor?

You know my (fill in complaint) has been bothering me lately!” After discussing their problem with you, many will ask “How hard is it to come in and see it?” At that point, you can hand them the Gift Certificate or schedule them in the moment. It’s literally as simple as handing them a newsletter, introducing yourself, and asking them this engagement question. What kind of results can you expect? Our clients tell us they average 3 appointments scheduled for every hour they do this. This it is very profitable since its cost to acquire each patient is practically zero.

If you’re a motivated doctor looking for a big raise, there’s no reason you couldn’t generate 30 or more patient appointments per month if you went out and did this on Sunday for a few hours. A California couple generated 400 patient appointments in 90 days using this strategy. And I know another doctor who generated over 100 patients in a 60 day period. The results can be fantastic! Get out of your comfort zone, drag your spouse with you, and head out to an affluent neighborhood sometime this month and hand out face-to-face practice newsletters.

One of the most successful people I’ve ever met once told me, “Try to get out of your comfort zone at least once a month, you’ll find that all your advances in life will be the result of breaking preconceptions.” they’ve been locking you up.” That’s good advice.

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