
Children for adoption – What is the difference between adopting a child and sponsoring a child?

Kind-hearted people confronted with pictures of children in need in the world’s poorest countries sometimes ask, “Is adoption the answer?”

After all, celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Madonna have adopted a number of children from developing countries. They are raising these children a world away from their poverty-stricken beginnings.

Adoption is a huge undertaking. Even when it comes to children within the United States, it means complete life changes for both the adopter and the adoptee. The child becomes part of the family forever, with all the joys and responsibilities that this entails. Children available for adoption abroad present more challenges, such as legal and financial obstacles. New parents are aware that the adopted child is leaving her community, culture, and heritage far behind. Sensible adjustments are needed for the transition to be happy.

Adoption abroad can certainly be worth the effort. But adopting a child, especially one from a faraway country, is a serious and lifelong commitment. Potential adopters are truly compassionate. They want to help children barely surviving in the poorest regions of Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. Many of these children are malnourished and lack even the basics, such as clean water or adequate housing. They have never had medicine or medical care and may never receive an education.

However, there is an easier way to help a child in need. It’s not as complex as adoption, but it will still change a child’s life forever. That way is through child sponsorship. So what is the difference between adopting a child and sponsoring a child?

By paying just a few dollars a month, a sponsor ensures that the sponsored child receives:

• food and clean water

• safe haven

• medical checkups, including immunizations

• educational opportunities

• life skills training

Many charities that offer sponsorship programs also provide Christian teaching and support, as well as practical help. Children learn about God’s love and see how it alters his existence forever.

With the support of a godparent, a child can usually remain within their community and country. The difference is that there is real hope for the future. A child who is properly nurtured, educated, and trained in different skills can grow up to lead a purposeful life. Instead of continuing in a downward spiral of poverty and ignorance, the sponsored child can be a force for good. He or she might even train to be a doctor or a teacher and, in turn, help others.

A godparent is tied to a particular child from the very beginning. The two get to know each other through the exchange of letters and photographs. Sponsored children treasure the fact that someone far away cares for them. They love learning about their sponsor and sharing information about their very different lives.

Over the months and years a real and rewarding closeness develops. Some godparents even travel to meet their child and build even stronger bonds with them. Both adopting and sponsoring a child involves building a long-term loving relationship. The important objective is to bring the most effective help to a child in need.

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