Lifestyle Fashion

Can my wife love me again? Ways to win back the woman you adore

That’s a question many married men have to ask themselves after realizing that their spouse is no longer in love with them. One thing a man never wants to hear from his wife is “I love you but I’m not in love with you.” It hurts, it is a rejection and it makes you question the future of the marriage. While you can certainly go down the road to divorce, that may not be what you think is right for your family. There are ways to reconnect with your wife, and if you are determined and patient, you can do it.

If you want your wife to love you again, you must begin by taking stock of your own behavior within the marriage. He may feel that his wife is to blame for having stopped loving him. However, if the relationship had been as close as before, his feelings would have only intensified, not diminished. That is why it is so important that you take an honest look at what you have been doing in the relationship. Has he always given you all the emotional support you needed? Were you less than nice to her at times? He left her with the responsibility of taking care of the daily needs of the children and keeping the house in order? If any of these sound familiar, he must make his peace with the woman he married. Apologize to her for your behavior. Be direct when you tell him you’re sorry and let him know exactly why you feel bad. She will appreciate that you acknowledge what she is feeling.

The next thing you have to do is change. Obviously, the relationship doesn’t work like it does now. Your needs are not being met and that has caused your feelings to change. If you’ve been neglecting her by not spending as much time with her as she wants, make yourself more present in her life. Take an interest in the things she enjoys. Plan to do things with her and encourage her to open up and talk to you. You may find that what she feels is not a loss of love for you, but rather a sense of frustration. Work with her to understand what you can do, as a husband, to repair the bond and get things back on track.

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