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Best Grill Island Questions: Grill Components and Accessories for Outdoor Kitchen Islands

No one cooks the same way, and why would we want to? Like every cook, every grill island is unique in form and function. A grill island is an outdoor kitchen island that features a grill component. The rest of the island is dressed to the nines with luxury kitchen and living accessories that are valued by the user. Ideally, the finished product allows users to grill their meal from start to finish without running to and from the indoor kitchen and outdoor grill. Consider the following valuable components for your island or outdoor kitchen.

Umbrella placement is an available upgrade for those who go the extra mile with their outdoor grill setup. A retractable umbrella or awning not only enhances the grilling experience, but also encourages you to use the grilling area more often. Instead of grilling only when the summer weather isn’t too hot and not too cold, you can grill when your taste buds call for it for that grilled fruit salad or lean cut of beef. Outdoor umbrellas and awnings protect and optimize conditions for grilling.

The cooler and bottle opener features encourage family and friends to gather around the grill space. Stock the fridge with cold beers, hummus, carrots, and more, and voila! The grill island is the life of the party. The person grilling is often alienated from the party, cut off from the crowd, standing in the corner checking meats and vegetables. The combination of refrigerator and bottle opener makes the cooking space the center of attention, and with good reason.

The sound system components also serve to make your island grill the ideal place. Often, the chef who cooks on game day carefully times his departure from television and rushes through the grilling process so as not to miss any part of the game. Add AM/FM, CD player or MP3 connection to the grill island and the chef won’t have to miss out on the big game. Or, for outdoor barbecues, the grill island doubles as a DJ station, encouraging everyone to gather and socialize around the island.

Mobility is frequently overlooked when purchasing a grill island. When you’ve built your island that’s so uniquely yours and perfect for you, what happens if you rearrange your outdoor space or move house? Grill islands are made to last a lifetime. If you want yours to stay with you and only you, consider mobility before making a purchase.

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