Lifestyle Fashion

Anxiety Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Anxiety disorders can vary depending on the situations or objects that trigger them. However, all forms of anxiety share common characteristics of excessive worry, fear, and apprehension that interfere with a person’s daily routine.

Do you suffer from Anxiety?

Anxiety generally includes both emotional and physical symptoms. If you feel excessively worried, scared, and tired, you may be experiencing generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Additionally, if you feel that your emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions are out of proportion to what is normally expected in a certain situation, you may want to consider seeking counseling or psychotherapy.

How to recognize anxiety?

Some of the hallmark emotional symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Feeling a loss of control

  • Excessive worry and fear

  • Feeling agitated and/or irritated

  • continuous fatigue

Additionally, anxiety symptoms often involve sleep problems, attention difficulties, a pervasive fear of approaching the disorder, and a tendency to avoid situations or people that trigger anxiety.

Additionally, you may experience physical symptoms of anxiety which typically include:

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches, stomach aches and/or chest pain

  • Sweatshirt

  • Incrise of cardiac frecuency

  • hyperventilation

  • Feeling tired or weak

  • Number of legs and arms

Causes of anxiety and risk factors

Your anxiety can be induced by many factors, including genetics, environmental factors, brain changes, and other medical conditions. However, an anxiety disorder can develop without external provocations; feelings of anxiety can develop from your negative thoughts and thought patterns.

How to overcome anxiety?

Whether you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), excessive and prolonged symptoms can affect your relationships, work and school performance.

Although anxiety disorders are highly treatable, only about 37% of people with anxiety receive treatment. The most successful psychological therapies for anxiety include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure Therapy.

  • CBT

As a short-term therapy that is problem-specific and goal-oriented, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help you change your thought patterns and dysfunctional behaviors. In addition, CBT helps reduce stress and improves resilience. It can help you cope with life transitions and deal with overwhelming emotions like grief, fear, or anger.

Additionally, CBT teaches coping strategies that can be applied in your everyday life long after therapy ends. Additionally, as a highly structured approach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be delivered in person, online, individually, or in groups. However, CBT requires your active participation to be successful.

  • exposure therapy

In exposure therapy, you gradually expose yourself to a fearful situation or object. Over time, you learn to become less sensitive to a feared object or situation. Exposure therapy has been shown to be especially effective for phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

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