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America’s Favorite Disney Princess Movie

Disney princesses are so popular among girls and adults alike. There is something within his kindness and strength that appeals to young and old alike. Although Disneyland is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world, Disney movies are items we can take with us when we travel, or just watch at home, making them a convenient and fun way to pass the time.

The most popular Disney movie of all time, according to a recent survey, Snow White is number one. Snow White with her beautiful singing voice and her yellow, red and blue dress has wowed audiences for decades. She is the popular post princess because she is funny, smart, witty and, of course, beautiful.

The second most popular Disney movie is Peter Pan. While there is no traditional princess in Peter Pan, Tinkerbell is a favorite among fairy lovers. Some even consider her a princess in her own right. She’s beautiful and smart, like Snow White, and super smart and kind, like the other princesses you might associate with Disney movies.

Next is Sleeping Beauty in her signature flowy pink dress and gorgeous long blonde hair. As she sleeps in a deep magical sleep under a spell, her prince kisses her back to life, a life worth living with your true love. Sleeping Beauty is one of the most popular princess costumes on the market, so it’s no surprise that Sleeping Beauty is a favorite among Disney movie fans.

Third, don’t forget about Cinderella! Cinderella is the quintessential princess in her flowing blue gown ready for a ball with the glass slipper on the toe of it. Many young women or adults can identify with her sweet personality and her ability to overcome overwhelming circumstances. She is a strong adult and is willing to suffer more and more difficulties to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The fourth most popular Disney movie is, of course, Beauty and the Beast, starring Princess Belle, which means Belle. Belle is the smartest in her town and she turns down the town’s hottest bachelors because she is more interested in reading books. He looks past the Beast’s outward appearance, easily falling for her gentle nature. Her name not only reflects her inner beauty, but she is also beautiful on the outside of her. What little girl doesn’t love her amazing yellow dress, designed to spin and twirl at the ball?

Last but not least is The Little Mermaid, with Princess Ariel, daughter of an underwater king who prefers not to let Ariel out of his sight. She collects human artifacts and makes a deal with the sea witch to have legs and meet the sailor she loves, Prince Eric. She is beautiful with her flowing red hair and fun personality of hers.

Whether your favorite is Cinderella or Tinker Bell, Disney movies are a great way to spend your free time!

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