
Advanced level football betting

If you’re starting to get serious about soccer betting, you’re probably ready to take a look at some of the more advanced bets, tips and information that can help you win more money. We’re going to take a look at some of that information in this article.

First of all, we have some depressing news for sports fans. While sports betting is a great way to add some “spicing” to games at entry levels, once you start breathing in the rarefied air of the professional gambler, a lot of joy is lost from the game. At this level, betting is heavily focused on numbers and analysis. In fact, you may find that you are so busy handicapping that you stop watching matches altogether!


The main betting strategy used by advanced bettors in soccer betting is the arbitrage system. With this system, sports bettors place bets on different outcomes of the same game with different sportsbooks. The idea is to broker the action so that no matter who wins, the bettor will end up with some cash in hand.

In soccer betting, the actual percentage of that win is quite small. In fact, it can be as little as one percent. This means that those who use arbitrage betting systems to win money on soccer bets have to deposit significant amounts to win a large amount of money. On the contrary, the potential for loss if you make a mistake can be enormous.

The answer, of course, is to avoid mistakes when checking the lines of the different sportsbooks. You want to keep careful track of which team you bet on with which book, and make sure you never place the same bet with two different books.

wearing beards

Another problem with advanced or professional places to bet on football or any other sport is that sooner or later the bookmakers start to know who you are. Even when you bet online, your bets can be tracked through IP addresses, credit cards, etc.

The answer for many people who make money from soccer betting is to use “beards” to place their bets. Beards are people who place bets on sharps, so they can bet more money (many books put maximum limits on what sharps can bet on in an event).

Track and stay flexible

An important tip for those who want to participate in advanced level football betting is to keep track of all the bets you make. Keep a log where you note the game, layout, lines and your reasons for backing one team over another.

A record will help you get an idea of ​​how many times you cover the spread or win your bets, which in turn will help you understand how well your system is working. If you find that you’re losing more often than you should, it’s time to rethink your strategy.

Advanced soccer betting means looking at the sport in a totally detached way. At this point, it’s all about the numbers and not your favorite teams!

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