
A tidy desk is a tidy mind.

This idiom has been circulating in office workplaces since the dawn of disorder; while the orderly elite pass judgment on the “organized chaos” of office lunchrooms. So what exactly does it mean? The phrase refers to the claim of ‘superior’ tidy people, that their organization provides them with a good place for the workday, that neatness prevails when it comes to productivity, allowing them to think clearly, work efficiently and basically run. around those workers with desks littered with disorganized piles of papers and trash.

Deskitis – as it has come to be known, refers to the mantra of the messy: ‘Dump Everything Seldom Keep It Tidy’ and is a problem said to be increasingly affecting workplaces…

The verdict

So does a tidy desk really = a tidy mind? I put on my fearless reporter hat and went to find out. After a lot of stealthy detective work around the office, I finally found my subject: a serial clutter addict with a past date with a recycling bin. This is what he had to say about the messiness of it and the effect of it on productivity…

Me: Hello, I can’t help noticing the spectacular variety of objects on your desk; It really is an amazing feat, if you don’t mind my saying so.

Subject A: I don’t know what you mean?! (The wariness and puckered demeanor suggest that he is in one of the more advanced stages of deskitis, the defensive and protective stage over the mess; this means it may be too late to save him…)

Me: I am conducting a survey in the office about the workplace and if you are satisfied with your environment. Would you say that you can exist happily in the chaotic environment that you have created out of all your junk, papers, etc.?

Subject A: Look, I don’t know what you mean here, my desk isn’t that messy, there’s just some junk that was created about half an hour ago.

Me: Have you ever heard the phrase ‘A messy desk is a messy mind?’

Subject A: Alright, that’s it, I’m trying to work and now you’re insulting my intelligence because I have some wrappers on my desk. And anyway, an empty desk surely equals an empty mind. (Subject starts to get angry at my line of questioning; he clearly feels threatened by my commanding vibes…)

Me: Hmm, that’s an interesting twist on the old idiom, albeit an incorrect one. Would you mind if I tidy up your desk for you at lunchtime? It wouldn’t take me long…

Subject A: OK, that’s it… Are you serious? Sarah, I think you have a problem… (he’s starting to get up, I think that’s my cue to put him down…)

So there you have it, the terrifying world of the infected. But fear not, it’s not too late to stop deskitis in its tracks!

The best tips for a tidy desk

1) Get rid of the paper scraps! — If you find yourself constantly scribbling notes on pieces of paper, which you then lose, or have so many different scribbled post-its and pieces of paper that you can’t function, put down the pen! Invest in a notepad to keep all your notes nice and organized in one place. Mine has a monster on the front with googly eyes, that’s cool!

2) Too much paperwork. If you find yourself drowning under a mountain of paperwork on your desk, then it’s probably hard to find what you’re looking for. Find out who takes care of the office supplies and ask for a tidy folder or desk, or if you already have these things, use them! Take the time to see what needs to be archived; what needs to be grouped; what still needs your attention, so you can be sure nothing is being overlooked because you’ve lost it in some mound somewhere.

3) What a bunch of rubbish. If you look at your desk and see empty Coca-Cola cans, 7 dirty cups, and that Kit Kat wrapper from last week, then don’t worry! There is still hope. Some clever person invented a bin that allows you to store all your unwanted junk, which is magically carried away by fairies from the bin. Pretty neat, huh?

NEWS BREAKING: DESKITIS has been known to spread from workers to job seekers – you could be at risk too!
So what can you do before clutter takes over?

1) Organize your workspace so that you have a clear and orderly area to work.

2) Make sure if you have hard copies of your CV they are on file in a safe place and are not wrinkled or wrinkled.

3) Use a notepad to jot down addresses, company names, or information you need for job interviews.

4) Keep a calendar handy so you can mark interview dates, job application due dates, etc., so you don’t miss any important deadlines.

5) When you’re looking for a job online, many job websites give you the opportunity to save your favorite jobs to a short list, that way they’re all in one place so you can view and apply when you have time. So your computer can be super organized too!

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