Imagine yourself on a great 5-day trip to Paris. How would you design your days to have the most engaging and captivating experience, while traveling independently and maintaining a budget of less than $5000 for two? What will you do with your precious travel time? Why would you want to do these things and have these experiences? And how will you fix them and stick to them, with maximum enjoyment and minimum frustration or overload? What are the stories that bring life to the places you visit? How do you best immerse yourself so that your experiences are immersive and memorable?
Join us in your mind’s eye on this extraordinary 5 day trip to the “City of Lights”. History to walk Phenomenal food. Parks and cafes. Opportunities to people watch. Eating outdoors, with views of cathedrals or rivers or palaces. Fountains and gardens, with benches to rest. Outdoor markets. Charming shops. Unexpected encounters.
Start with a perfect day 1
You will arrive in Paris today, after an overnight flight, in time to check in (or drop off your bags) and begin your tour before lunch. Your “home base” for the next five nights will be the left bank (“La Rive Gauche”) of the Seine, historically known as the artistic part of the city. Your apartment or hotel will be located a few blocks from the river in the left bank, gold us Saint Louis Island, the smaller of the two islands in the middle of the river.
learn your neighborhood
After checking in, take a walk around your new “neighborhood,” locate its shops, and stock up on wine, cheese, bread, and deli. Then head towards the river and cross the bridge towards city island (“City Island”). This larger island was the original seat of Paris, the birthplace of Roman river trade, and the location of the 4th-century cathedral that was replaced by the 12th-century one. our lady.
Pass in front of Notre Dame in city island and note the statues of kings
When passing in front of our lady, stop before the entrance to absorb its grandeur and study the statues of kings above the gate. The heads of these sculptures are replacements. Tragically, the original heads were lopped off during the Revolution by Parisian mobs who mistakenly took them to represent French monarchs, when in fact they are the former kings of Judea and Israel.
Lunch with a view of the Notre Dame buttresses
You will return later to visit the interior of this magnificent cathedral. But for now, I walked by on my way to lunch at an outdoor table in Emerald Brewery, located at the end of the island, in front of the buttresses of the cathedral. Since this will be your arrival lunch, make it a feast and toast the start of your journey. From your table, look towards the smallest island, Saint Louis Island, detect the flora on the island, the restaurant where you will dine later tonight.
island walk
After lunch, take a walk around the island and get oriented with the flow of the river. Stand with your back to the smaller island. now you face down river. From this point of view, the left bank will be on your left and the Right margin it will be on your right.
Walk down riverlooking across the river towards the Right margin (“The Right Bank”). See the grand buildings on the other side of the river. Tea Right margin is more packed with impressive buildings than the left, including the City hall (Hôtel de Ville) and, downriver, the huge former palace that is now the Port, and the Grand palace which was built as an exhibition hall for the Universal exposition from 1900.
Stroll through the flower market
During your walk, be aware of the Flowers market (Flower market) on your left. Take a few minutes to wander through this colorful maze of flower and garden shops. You may decide to return later to spend more time in this charming market.
Around the tip of the island, in the direction of Sainte Chapelle
When you reach the end of the island, with views downriver towards the Louvre, walk through the park and back up the other side to the incomparable holy chapel, built in the 13th century to house Louis IX’s collection of relics of Christ. This little chapel is remarkable and unique, with its exquisite 49-foot-tall 13th-century stained-glass windows, at their most beautiful in the late afternoon. You can stop now to view the windows, or possibly return later for a memorable concert set against the chapel (having purchased your tickets before your trip).
Pick up your 4-day museum pass to skip the lines
Stop in to buy your 4 day museum pass at the store across the street from the holy chapel entrance. This will save you from waiting in museum lines for the rest of your stay in Paris.
pass through Crypt Archaeological
When you complete your full circuit of the island, you will again find yourself facing our lady. As you cross the plaza, locate the entrance to the Archaeological Crypt, located below the area in front of the cathedral. You may want to return later to explore these ancient archaeological remains, dating back to the Romans in 52 BC. C., which were discovered here during excavations in 1965.
Enter Notre Dame and find a seat
This time, venture inside the cathedral. As you go through the door, look up! Study the pictographic images above. Also, take a closer look at the kings above the entrance. You’ll have the chance to see the ‘real’ heads of these statues later in your trip when you visit the Cluny Museum. Once inside, find a seat and sit for a while to look up and around and take it all in. If by luck you arrive while the magnificent organ is playing, take the opportunity to stay a while and listen.
Possibly climb the Cathedral Tower
Back outside, notice the slow-moving line of people waiting patiently to climb the cathedral tower. If you aspire to climb the tower yourself, decide if the line is short enough to join now, and head up to see the stunning views and get an up-close look at the gargoyles. If the line is too long, come back early tomorrow, before the crowds gather.
Dinner with a view, followed by an evening cruise on the Seine
Take a deep breath and settle in for a relaxed dinner at an outdoor table in flora on the island on the small island St Louis Island. You have arrived! And here you are in Paris at sunset. After dinner, board an evening cruise on the Seine, from our lady toward Eiffel Tower back and forth, enjoying the spectacle of Paris glowing at night.