
A lone wolf is a heavy burden for a woman

The first thing a woman in a relationship with a lone wolf notices about him is that he has no male friends. That is the definition of a lone wolf. Even worse, though, is if her friends are all women.

Lone wolves have trust issues with men that prevent them from making friends, the kind a man might call when his life falls apart. A man who takes his problems out on women does so because he feels safer with them. No woman should misunderstand it as a caring and loving relationship. Just because a lone wolf feels more secure around women doesn’t mean he has the ability to do the work necessary to have a relationship with them. Lone wolves are never really in a relationship, they only visit occasionally.

How do I know so much about lone wolves? I was a loner until I was forty, when I took what was a gigantic leap of faith and started making friends among men.

Men are complicated, but not so complicated that certain aspects of their behavior aren’t obvious to women. If a woman wants to take full responsibility for a man’s social life and every social activity in her relationship, then a lone wolf is the perfect choice. Remember, he is a loner because he is unwilling and/or unable to take any social responsibility.

When women ask how to find a good guy, I tell them that the first question for a potential date is, “Do you have any male friends?” It sounds simple because it is. There is nothing complicated about whether or not a man can relate to other men. An answer does not mean you are, as they say on the label. You just signed up to take care of all their needs.

I was a bad boy and a lone wolf, and the two go together like peanut butter and jelly. I rode motorcycles, was an entrepreneur who didn’t play by anyone’s rules, and didn’t have much to offer women beyond my free-spirited attitude. I never play much with women, emotionally. It felt strange how easy it was to attract women, albeit the wrong women.

Usually the women who were attracted to me were also loners, and all they did was show me, up close and personal, who I was. Someone once told me that no one changes their behavior until the pain is so intense that change is the only way out of the pain.

My last relationship before I decided to change was so painful that I had no choice but to change. It was completely devoid of emotion and related only to sex. After a few months, I felt horrible and all I wanted was for a woman to hold me and love me. Of course, I didn’t realize that I was expected to do the same for a woman. I learned how to be in a relationship with a woman from other men who were once in my situation. I did the job in a group of men, which is the perfect remedy for lone wolves.

A lone wolf has to figure out how he’s going to end his isolation before he includes a woman in his life. That’s hard work. Until he does that job, a woman would be wise to avoid him.

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