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A Habit Every Successful Church Secretary Should Have

Have you ever seen a secretary who seems to excel at just about everything she does? Multitask with ease and somehow gets everything done. How does she do it? By studying her long enough, you will discover that she has an important habit.

Sure there are several things she does constantly that help her get it all done … self-discipline, organization, quality decision-making, they’re all important. However, there is one thing that guarantees your success.


With all the new responsibilities that today’s church secretary has to take on, many feel constantly pushed in several different directions. Work, family, school, they are all stressful alone … you can imagine the pressure with several of them combined. So how do we do it all together?

There are several key elements of FOCUSED INTENSITY:

  1. CLEARLY DEFINE THE OBJECTIVE: Half-hearted resolutions and promises don’t usually last. Be clear about what you want to accomplish on a daily, weekly, even career basis. Be detailed and REALISTIC.
  2. DECIDE TO WIN AT ANY COST: the best athletes are the best because they simply refuse to give up. When they enter the court, field or whatever, they always do it with the intention of winning. Quitting smoking is never an option.
  3. WRITE THE ROADMAP TO YOUR GOAL: not planning is like planning failure. Goals and plans go hand in hand. To achieve any goal, you must know how you are going to achieve it. Get in the habit of frequently writing down your thoughts, dreams, and strategies to achieve this. When you write your vision for your life, it holds you accountable and keeps you focused on the business at hand.
  4. CREATE A CONSTANT INFORMATION FLOW: it must feed on information continuously. This is how you will stay motivated. Continuing education is essential if you want to continue growing and excelling. is a great place to get discounted magazine subscriptions and at you can download audiobooks and listen to them on your computer, mp3 player, or burn them to CDs and listen to them in your car. Motivation is critical to success, and the only way to stay motivated is with a constant flow of information.
  5. FIND A MENTOR: one of the best ways to learn is by example. Find someone who has successfully done what you want to achieve and study what makes it successful. The mentoring relationship does not have to be personal. Reading a successful person’s book and following his advice from the book makes him a mentor to you.

There you have it … it’s that simple. FOCUSED INTENSITY is not difficult. Children do it all the time. You’ve seen them trying to solve a puzzle … their full attention is on the task at hand. So it is with you.

Decide what you want and then do it with everything you have. A little concentration goes a long way!

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