
7 Needs to Restore Confidence in the American Elections

Which seems better, voter apathy, motivating turnout (and wanting one’s voice to count), or, believing that the U.S. elections are rigged, anyway, and moving forward, with a mistrust of the elected officials and the system in general? Unfortunately, only the middle option is positive! For many years, the first was a factor, low turnout, etc. In recent years, however, there seems to be a dangerous trend, facilitated, in large part, by unproven claims, etc., especially, in the last four years, by President Trump. which states that, when the votes do not support it, the process must, automatically, be manipulated and, because it has so motivated its main supporters, it appears that this presents a clear and present danger to our American way of life. And how we elect our public officials! With that in mind, unless / until, we change certain things. make the system work better and more effectively, both in reality and in our perceptions, our system of government and our politics is at risk. This article, therefore, will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, 7 common sense, needs, to change things for the better.

1. Reject charges: Although Trump’s main supporters seem to prefer his version, to what appears to be reality / facts, it is important to refute these allegations, which is why most Americans are satisfied with this effort.

two. Clarify efforts: It must be clear to our citizens what efforts are being made to protect the fairness and sanctity of our electoral process!

3. Bipartisan participation: One of the most troubling aspects of President Trump’s many repeated and unsubstantiated claims / accusations is how members of his Republican Party, in general, have not had the courage to do the right thing and make it clear. . It is one thing to support a candidate and want him to win, but it is quite another to allow any effort that harms this nation and what it stands for. To prevent this from happening again, there must be a bipartisan effort, to create rulesand standards, to serve all of our citizens and the nation.

Four. Examine strengths and weaknesses: The positive thing about this election is, many of the concerns, about the security of our electoral process, after the apparent Russian interference, in 2016, is, before Trump fired him, because, he did not support the claims of the president, many Government agencies, they proclaimed, this was the safest choice, in our history. To ensure greater confidence, in the process, we must effectively utilize all strengths and address areas of weakness.

5. Reexamine the Electoral College: Before this election, there were two circumstances, in the 21st century, when the president was elected, despite losing the popular vote. Although the Founding Fathers decided it was beneficial, at the time, to use an Electoral College, doing so today means that citizens in certain smaller states have disproportionately more influence / power than in other larger states. . How do you think this makes many voters feel, etc.?

6. Spending and duration of the campaign: Most other nations limit election campaigns to a much shorter period than ours. Uncontrolled and excessive campaign spending, combined with this duration, cannot be in the best interests of the nation.

7. Address false facts, from candidates: When these ads often contain more false than true facts, there has to be a better way! Wouldn’t it be better if we kept political advertising to the same standards as commercial advertisements?

There must be a better way to carry out our choices, and unless / until concerted, comprehensive, and well-considered efforts are used to do so, even more people will lose faith in our choices and the process! Wake up, America, and demand that this be done, sooner rather than later!

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