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3 leadership books on power

Power is a complicated subject. Fortunately, there are some excellent leadership books out there to help us avoid the pitfalls. Here are three contemporary authors who deliver.

Learning to exercise power is an early leadership skill that we must master
There is no escaping how delicious power feels. It is incredibly energizing. It gives us a sense of strength and status. It allows us privileges and prebends. No wonder we see so many leaders fall under his spell. From Julius Caesar to Genghis Khan, from despotic politician to narcissistic business leader, power is a galvanizing force. With it we can conquer land and squash competition.

The power wielded like a sword generates human guarantees. Eventually dictators fall, some faster than others. Although our civilizations have moved further and further away from oppressive power-hungry regimes, some remain.

In our workplaces, we still see the burgeoning beast of power. As sensible and thoughtful leaders, it is our moral imperative to know power and exercise it wisely.

Power wielded like a torch lights the path of humanity. Let’s do that.

As I do more research on power in leadership, I see its use and abuse everywhere. The following books share different perspectives on power, from the easy read to the more complex nuanced viewpoints. Choose your option.

Understanding power is essential to a healthy leadership mindset
Recommendation 1. Easy to read/listen: John Birmingham’s end of days series

I’ve been listening to some amazing Audible original series. These three audiobooks: zero day code, fault statusand American Kill Switch give us a fascinating look at human societies if we lose our internet capabilities. Birmingham writes a dystopian near future where a cyber attack destroys all communication and food distribution networks. Chaos and survival ensues. A fascinating look at how we do or don’t come together when crisis strikes, who emerges as leaders and how they wield power. A brilliant narrative by Rupert Degas. The characterization and dialogue are top notch. #autocrush

Recommendation 2. Hard medium reading: The Four Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation by Timothy Clark

A fabulous short manual on how to increase and extend psychological safety in the workplace and work towards shared power and collaboration. The four stages include: security of inclusion, security of the student, security of the collaborator and security of the challenger. Complete with great reflection questions and key points from the chapter, this is a practical manual for leaders who want a step-by-step approach to learning how to help others share power and grow under their leadership banner.

Recommendation 3: Difficult reading: The Nordic Ideology: A Metamodern Guide to Politics – Hanzi Freinacht Book Two

It is long, it is difficult, it is complex. And very rewarding. Hanzi describes the path of development for us as a civilization without beating around the bush. No utopia awaits us, only what he calls ‘relative utopia’. He suggests that our current civilizations are relatively better than the ones we’ve had before (world wars, slavery), but still have a new set of problems that we need to lean on and address (failing ecosystems, increased inequality and alienation, and stress). .) If he is interested in the broader patterns at play in human societies, then this book is for you. It also comes with a kind of playbook on how to encourage one’s own development and nurture the development of others, essential for a successful metamodern society that is equipped to handle the challenges that modern and postmodern society have created.

Essential leadership skills include advanced emotional intelligence, perspective taking, complexity mapping. Phew. We are on the right track.


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