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10 benefits of graphic recording

Graphic recording is a tool to convert the intangible into tangible, it is a process and a product.

Part of the process is because the chart recorder transforms the spoken word into visual. A graphic recorder listens carefully to the conversation with a pen in hand and illustrates what they hear using pictures, words and colors. This helps people collaborate and feel heard to create a safe environment for new ideas.

The part of the product comes from the colorful output that is created. A complete digital capture of the illustrations created by the graphic recorder is compiled into a pdf that all participants receive after the event.

This process is very beneficial for any meeting of minds and some of these benefits are outlined below.

1. Promote clear thinking

Graphical records promote the clear thinking and good decision making that comes when people can actually ‘see what you mean’ and also see what they mean.

2. Provide group memory

A chart log captures the content of a meeting in an engaging way and serves as an effective touchstone for remembering accomplishments and educating others.

3. Help the focus and follow-up group

A graphic log provides a clear indication of what the group is tackling at any given moment, helping participants to know where they are and stay focused on the task at hand.

4. Greater creativity

Chart recording increases the ability to express ideas within an environment that unlocks the unlimited potential of the mind. As it uses both sides of the brain, it opens a relationship with the subconscious and allows thoughts and intuitions to flow freely. Visual thinking builds connections with mnemonics and images that elicit the responses necessary to access these reservoirs.

5. Greater efficiency and productivity

Information discussed within a graphically recorded environment is more clearly understood, maximizing the time and efficiency of the “group mind.” With a greater understanding of individual roles and tasks, participants leave with a much better ability to achieve goals and objectives. Graphical recording allows you to collect complex data in an integrated way on a single sheet of paper, increasing the opportunity to make informed decisions.

6. Greater retention and understanding of memory: Scientifically proven studies show that simultaneous images increase participation and understanding of information. Add dimensions of real-time performance, radiant thinking (the brain’s natural thinking process), metaphor, and mnemonics and the understanding is off the charts.

7. Documentation / Product Creation

Chart recording creates a real-time digital capture of the conversation. Clients receive an accurate record of all information collected during the programs that can be referenced at any time thereafter. These tools act as a great memory tool allowing our clients to receive a consistent understanding of what has been accomplished.

8. Recognition and understanding of patterns

Graphic recording is key to tapping into underused areas of the brain, boosting creative IQ, emotional IQ, information assimilation, habit patterns, and general intelligence and mental performance.

9. Play for your audience

More than 80% of us are visual learners. When we see it, we “get it.” The graphic recording provides critical information in a format that is easy to understand, predictable for the eye, and organized for the brain. The faster participants understand your messages, the faster and easier the agenda will advance.

10. See the big picture

A large graphical view of the discussion allows the group to notice relationships, identify topics, and spot gaps, all of which result in new insights. With more information on the page than you might have in mind, people engage in high-level solution-focused thinking and discussion that really considers the big picture.

As you can SEE, the benefits of graphic recording are phenomenal, it’s no wonder the use of a graphic recorder or graphic facilitator is starting to become the norm in the top Fortune 500 companies globally. In this new era of communication and community, a tool like this is vital to ensure that you make the most of your people’s time and effort.

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