Lifestyle Fashion

Why you shouldn’t lick your lips, ever!

We all know that dreaded feeling when our lips start to feel dry and chapped. Usually this is when you are desperately trying to find some kind of lipstick before it gets worse. Lipstick usually doesn’t help. This is when we are most tempted to lick our lips in search of a little comfort. Why is this so bad for our lips? Why should we avoid this at all costs?

While lip licking can provide some comfort at first, that comfort doesn’t last long. Shortly after licking your lips, you feel the need to lick them again, or do / find something to ease your now sore lips. And after a few minutes of repeating this routine, your lips are now burning and becoming increasingly dry. Licking lips is a very short-term temporary solution. It’s never worth it!

Licking our lips usually gives us a little sense of relief, but it is actually making the problem worse. This is because our saliva contains digestive enzymes, and when we lick our lips, these enzymes will begin to break down the skin barrier on our lips. This is often described as a burning sensation. Not only that, but the saliva evaporates very quickly, usually further drying out the skin.

What makes all of this worse is the ease with which lip licking can become a habit. It is a destructive cycle and it is very easy to start. It starts with chapped lips, then a quick lick for relief, fast fading relief, another lick, more pain and need for relief, etc. The cycle is very self-destructive and will only damage your already fragile lips.

Part of what makes this an easy habit to start is the lack of effectiveness in the lip treatment process. If you are using ineffective chap sticks, for example, you will likely try something else to quickly get that relief you are so desperately seeking. And since he’s already in the habit of licking his lips (and it’s so hideously easy to do), he’s likely to revert to this destructive habit. If you can find a truly effective natural emollient for your lips, it will make breaking this habit that much easier, while also providing long-lasting relief to your withered lips.

If you are in the habit of licking your chapped lips for relief, the best thing you can do to get rid of chapped lips is to stop licking them. You will be amazed at how much better they will improve once you quit this nasty habit. It will take some discipline, but the results are worth it.

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