Health Fitness

Food for a person without a gallbladder

My internist, Dr. Joan Singidas, gave me this list before undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery.

The list of Foods to Avoid Y foods to include

She told me to just avoid the foods in the foods to avoid the spine and to see if I would experience another gallstone attack in a week’s time. That was on September 15, 2009. But 3 days later, my wife’s friend came from Manila and invited us for lunch. Although I only eat shellfish; fish and shellfish that belong to the foods to include, I was not spared from the attack of gallstones. Then I realized that there is also a food to avoid that gives flavor to one of my favorite baked scallops: butter. And maybe cheese and oil.

And 3 days later I ended up at the clinic of Dr. Don Edward Rosello (General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Bariatric Surgery), to ask for his opinion. To which, I was scheduled for the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure on October 1, 2009.

Three months later, on December 22, 2009, Dr. Singidas gave me the same food list again after I was hospitalized from December 12 to 15, 2009 for epigastric and back pain. And with a frown and pity on her face because I can’t enjoy the holidays-Christmas and New Years.

Here is the list of 2 food groups, the foods to avoid and the foods to include. Although this list is specifically aimed at “acid related disease patients”, but since I no longer have a gallbladder and bile secretion is continuous without a reservoir, Dr. Singidas strongly advises me to follow the list.

Foods to Avoid:

– Strong-flavored spices and seasonings

– Beverages containing caffeine: coffee (regular or decaffeinated), tea, cocoa, cola

– Tomatoes

– Citrus juices – orange, calamansi, grapefruit

– Fatty foods: fried meats, cold cuts, greasy French fries, French fries or fried pastries such as donuts

– Alcoholic drinks

– Dairy products – whole milk, butter, cheese

– High-fat salad dressings – sour cream, cream cheese

– Gas producing vegetables – broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, garlic, onion, cauliflower, cucumber, green pepper, turnip

Food to include:

– Caffeine-free tonics

– All lean and tender meats

– Birds without skin

– Seafood fish

– Eggs

– Soybeans (including tufu)

– Milk and low-fat and skimmed products

– Whole wheat crackers, graham crackers

– White or brown rice

– Noodles/spaghetti

– All vegetables except tomatoes

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